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People's Daily: Draw a wonderful life with skills

2022-11-23 08:25:53

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Daily teaching is compatible with front-line production, practical training and employment are connected, and secondary vocational and higher vocational education is connected with undergraduate education..."Vocational education is an important part of the national education system and human resources development, and is an important way for the majority of young people to open the door to success."。The majority of vocational school students continue to improve their skills and hone their skills, not only to lay a good foundation for their future development, but also to provide a strong talent support for economic and social development。

"Bad grades, go to vocational school, assembly line, wasted youth"......Before entering vocational school, Zhao Qinglong had heard such a saying。But three years of vocational school learning, let him feel that as long as the serious study, good skills, everyone can shine。


"Using the mainstream equipment that top enterprises at home and abroad are using"

In 2019, Zhao Qinglong selected the CNC technology major of Changzhou Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical College。The reason is simple, there are relatives in the family who are in the industry。

The first time D was fired up was not long after entering school。The school organized everyone to visit the factory of Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Co., LTD. In the workshop, cylinders of different specifications and performance were produced with the help of the instructions of CNC machine tools, and it was precisely the CNC workers who wrote these instructions。Ma Yandong, an employee of Hengli Hydraulic, was also named "China's great Foundry craftsman", and he is also a higher vocational graduate。This makes Zhao Qinglong confident about the future。

In the first and second grades, Zhao Qinglong laid the foundation in the school, both theoretical classes and practical training classes。Each semester of practical training classes almost seven or eight weeks, is arranged in the campus of the training base or science and education city of modern industrial center。

Zhao Qinglong's CNC lathe operation training is completed in the modern industrial center, "the equipment there is particularly advanced, with the mainstream equipment that is being used by top enterprises at home and abroad.。This public training base is jointly built and shared by the government, schools and enterprises in accordance with 1:1:1 capital investment, with an area of 110,000 square meters and an investment of 500 million yuan, including 17 training bases such as machining technology, numerical control technology, mold technology, welding technology, intelligent manufacturing, big data and artificial intelligence。

Zhuang Sanrudder, deputy director of Changzhou Science and Education City Management Committee, told reporters that the modern industrial center is characterized by sharing。The five vocational schools in the park can use the practical training equipment here。At the same time, the company will also put the training center here, and every year a certain proportion of the machine will be updated, which ensures that students can always use the production of new models of equipment。

In the training base, Zhao Qinglong first wrote the program on the computer side, fed it to the machine tool, and then the machine tool began to work according to the instructions, where the tool head came down, how many radians the parts should be made, and the exact size is required。The study was not easy. Z began with writing simple programs, and as time went on, the difficulty of the course escalated. After Z, the team members were required to complete large projects together。


"Can be promoted according to the path of operator - multifunctional worker - team leader - supervisor"

This course of CNC programming and processing technology that Zhao Qinglong has learned is jointly developed by Changzhou Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical College and Changzhou Chuangshengtel CNC Machine Tool Equipment Co., LTD., and belongs to the G-class high-quality resource-sharing course。This enterprise is built in Changzhou Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College, as a school factory, to achieve enterprise education。

Lai Lixun, general manager of Changzhou Chuangshengtel CNC Machine Tool Equipment Co., LTD., said that the company is one of the practical training bases of the school, and students complete their learning in 3 years through the three stages of "job cognition", "work alternation" and "post internship"。In particular, in the second grade, students will enter the workshop with the help of projects, classrooms and workshops are integrated, teachers and teachers are integrated, students and employees are integrated, homework and products are integrated, and the assessment is carried out in the form of completed projects. These projects are also practical application cases in production。

Junior year is the most important internship year for vocational school students。During the year, students work as interns in factories to the point where they can be used by employers upon graduation。Every year in May and June, the company that runs the order class will come to the school to speak to sophomore students。Zhao Qinglong participated in the promotion of Hengli Hydraulic and applied for the name, after comprehensive academic evaluation and interview, he became an intern of the company。

"The first 3 months of Z is not a master, follow the master to see how he works?。After Zhao Qinglong went to the workshop, the master assigned was Zhang Wenxing, who had about 10 years of work experience。"The content of the school is relatively wide, but the actual things used by the company are more specialized。My job is all about cylinders, and there's still a lot of new things to learn。Fortunately, the basic theory is connected, and the master talks while practicing, and I get started quickly。”

The practice workshop where Zhao Qinglong is located mainly produces non-standardized oil cylinders, which have higher skill requirements than standardized oil cylinders。Because it is a custom part, it often encounters new requirements and new designs。On one occasion, Zhao Qinglong got a drawing of a part and was about to start programming, but found that there was a symbol on it that he had never seen。Master on-site teaching, he mastered the algorithm。The internship allows students to go to the front line of production, and promotes the effective connection between the education chain, the talent chain and the industrial chain and the innovation chain。

"Vocational students have more skills training and are favored by manufacturing enterprises。The company has also set up scholarships for internship students, and during the internship, students are paid the same as new employees of the company。Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Technology Co., LTD. Personnel administrative director Zeng Ronglin introduced, "After the entry of the development space is also very large, can be promoted according to the operator - multi-functional worker - team leader - supervisor path, there are special reserve cadre training plan, not only have a lot of training opportunities, after the annual assessment can also enjoy the corresponding allowance.。”

The internship will soon end Zhao Qinglong is about to usher in the two-way choice of him and Hengli hydraulic。"Hengli hydraulic in the local salary is still relatively high, they also like to engage in technology.。Zhao Qinglong said, "As long as you work hard, vocational school students can be brilliant.。”


"After passing the examination and assessment, you can enter the university for undergraduate study"

In the vocational education system, whether it is secondary vocational, higher vocational or undergraduate, the level of skill determines the competitiveness of a student。

Xu Ganghua will go to Changzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College to study in September this year。He read the industrial robot professional "3+3" mode, the first 3 years in Yancheng mechanical and electrical secondary vocational school, after 3 years to Changzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College to read higher vocational。

In recent years, the vocational school has given Xu Ganghua unprecedented opportunities。The curriculum of secondary vocational school emphasizes practical ability, and after selection, he was trained by the school to participate in many skills competitions。In 2021 and 2022, Xu Ganghua participated in the Jiangsu Vocational College Skills Competition and won the third prize and second prize of the secondary vocational group。Taking this opportunity, he mastered a lot of theoretical knowledge。

Because of his outstanding technology, Changzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College has preliminarily selected him to continue to participate in the skills competition of the higher vocational group。That means he needs to learn more than just what he's doing now。If you can get good results in the skills competition, whether you enter the company in the future or continue to study undergraduate, you will get more opportunities。

Jiang Jian, who participated in the Jiangsu Provincial College entrance examination in 2020, scored 8 points higher than the undergraduate line, but it was difficult to read the desired major。Jiang Jian later applied for the "3+3" model of CNC + intelligent manufacturing major in Changzhou Industrial Vocational and Technical College。He said, After three years of study at the university, you can enter the university for undergraduate studies after passing the exam and examination。”

"After arriving at school, I found that many students in our class had higher college entrance examination scores than the undergraduate line。"Jiang Jian said。In recent years, more and more students who exceed the score line have taken the initiative to choose vocational education, and the situation of "vocational schools recruiting low-scoring students" has changed。

Due to the need to prepare for undergraduate connection in higher vocational education, Jiang Jian's courses are somewhat advanced, and he has to learn college physics and other college public courses, and also learn professional courses related to intelligent manufacturing。

"Our theoretical courses are more than the same majors in higher vocational colleges, almost integrating two or three majors, on the other hand, practical training courses are longer than undergraduate courses.。Jiang Jian introduced that he understood the employment direction of some seniors, mainly concentrated in the design and process departments of some intelligent manufacturing enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta region, and he himself planned to develop in this direction。

"To do a good job in education, on the one hand, we must clarify the training objectives of vocational education at all levels according to the needs of posts and qualification standards, and build a 'whole process education chain'."。On the other hand, it is necessary to combine the development situation of regional industries, rationally allocate the scale of vocational education at all levels, set up a variety of upward channels for vocational education at all levels, guide educational institutions and students to rationally plan development paths, and avoid the phenomenon of "only higher education" and "only diploma" in the field of vocational education。Fang Hongqin, associate researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and executive vice president of the Professional Committee of the culture of artisan Studies, said。

Reporter's notebook

Let more highly skilled people emerge

In recent years, the reporter's investigation in the Yangtze River Delta region found that the structure of workers who used to be mainly migrant workers is changing。Especially with the promotion of industrial upgrading and intelligent manufacturing, in many factories, vocational school graduates have become the main force of employment。

To become a manufacturing power, China cannot do without the improvement of the overall level of skilled personnel and the training of highly skilled personnel, which requires vocational education to truly keep pace with academic education, while allowing vocational education and industrial development to truly integrate and promote each other。

Nowadays, in the Yangtze River Delta region, the degree of "integration" of students, schools, enterprises, research institutes and other elements is getting higher and higher。Schools, enterprises and scientific research institutions explore the mutual recruitment of personnel, and the effective aggregation of production factors and knowledge factors, which not only promotes the smooth implementation of enterprise projects, but also helps vocational schools to follow the industry trends in professional Settings and teaching。Vocational colleges and undergraduate colleges have realized the integration of academic qualifications, so that some students who have the desire to study have the opportunity to switch to academic education。

In the final analysis, vocational education should be a type of education that suits students' characteristics and taps their potential。Vocational school students can also shine。As vocational education becomes a choice for more people, more and more highly skilled talents will emerge from all walks of life。

Note: This article is from People's Daily, please indicate the source

Website of this article:http://wj5.86811.net/news/524.html

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